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Девочки кто в Америке (ну и в Канаде, наверное) - кто-нибудь из вас смотрит Lost? Мне нравится этот сериал, так что с удовольствием посудачу по поводу "загадок".
А еще у меня к вам просьба - похоже, что финал будет 25 мая, меня не будет в Америке. Не могли бы вы записать мне его? Мне просто больше некого попросить - друзья все тоже по домам разъежаются! Я оплачу пересылку кассеты или диска.

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Я собираюсь смотреть, пока не начала, смотрю "Desperate Housewives", "Nip/Tuck" ,"Alias" и "Six Feet Under" :devaha:

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Здесь тоже идет, но мне кажется, что какой-то странный сериал. Может я просто не смотрю его толком? ПОтому как телевизор включен, а занимаюсь я детьми. А когда просто взгляд кидаю на экран, кажется , что чушь какая-то. Все не пойму, самолет разбился? И чем они питаются? Вроде так уже долго живут там.

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Здесь тоже идет, но мне кажется, что какой-то странный сериал. Может я просто не смотрю его толком?

Ну, это, конечно, не шедевр, но мне нравится, интересные персонажи, так что я втянулась, а теперь вот финал у меня накрывается медным тазом. Обидно! Они как раз там должны все объяснить!
Все не пойму, самолет разбился? И чем они питаются? Вроде так уже долго живут там.

Ага, разбился. А питаются разным - сначала самолетные запасы доедали (у них есть кусок фюзеляжа с багажом и прочим, и остальное они потом нашли), потом они кабана убили, рыбу ловили, фрукты собирают, сейчас вот огород начали разводить...

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такс, ну я посмотрела все 20 серий... Довольная сидю тут :P История интересная, конечно не безо всякой там мистики иногда, но хорошая жизненная такая ситуентува :D Жду второй сезон уже не могу :unsure:

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такс, ну я посмотрела все 20 серий... Довольная сидю тут :P История интересная, конечно не безо всякой там мистики иногда, но хорошая жизненная такая ситуентува :D Жду второй сезон уже не могу :unsure:

:confus: Как все 20??? Последние 2-3 еще даже в Америке не показали! У вас что, продюсеры - личные друзья?
И на чем смотрели (ДВД, или это у вас просто по телевизору марафончик такой?)? Может, поделитесь последними 2мя сериями, а то я их пропущууууу :pcrying: .

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А, а еще - кто вам больше всего из мужичков понравился? Я вот разрываюсь между Джеком и Сойером.

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Нет, я из интеа скачала, но похоже что сезон ещё не закончен ;) Значит что там интересного произошло.


"Deus Ex Machina"
Air Date: 03/30/2005


We open the show with a FLASHBACK -- to Locke, with a head full of hair, working in a toy store. He seems genuinely happy as he demonstrates the game of Mousetrap to a young boy. That is until he notices a woman, standing off to the side, staring at him -- it's disconcerting. Locke approaches, but the woman is evasive and only asks where she can find a football. Locke points her in the right direction and goes about his work. But there was something clearly odd about the encounter.


On the island, Locke and Boone put final touches on the trebuchet, which they have been building in order to crack open the hatch. Boone makes small talk, wondering about Locke's life back in the real world. Locke responds that Boone would find his story boring and proceeds to spring the trebuchet -- which doesn't even dent the hatch and instead, collapses under the force. Boone notices that Locke has a piece of shrapnel embedded in his leg. Locke is oblivious to the pain and pulls the shard from his skin. That night, he bandages his wound and tests his reflexes, searing the bottom of his foot with a burning ember, but feels nothing. He stares down at his legs, wondering if his paralysis is returning.


The next day, Locke and Boone work to rebuild the trebuchet. But Boone has grown weary of the task and expresses doubt about what they're doing. Locke says that the island will tell them what to do. And for the first time, we can see that Boone is beginning to doubt Locke. We also see that Locke is having trouble walking.


FLASHBACK -- to Locke, in the toy store parking lot, about to leave work for the day, when he spots the mysterious woman again. He gives chase when a car suddenly backs out of its spot with enough speed to knock Locke to the ground. For a moment, we wonder if this is how Locke ended up in a wheel chair -- until he shakes it off, rises and continues to pursue the mystery lady. He finally catches up to her and grabs her by the arm, demanding to know why she's following him. She responds, "I'm your mother."


Locke and his mother sit at a diner over tea, where her eccentricities become evident. She tells him she thinks their meeting was a sign of great things and speaks about destiny. When Locke asks about his father, she tells him that he doesn't have a father; that he was "immaculately conceived." And off Locke, who clearly thinks this woman might be insane, we cut back to --


-- the island, where Sawyer asks Sun about which leaves to use in order to cure a headache. Kate overhears and approaches Sun once Sawyer departs. Sun explains that Sawyer has been having headaches and the aspirin in his stash haven't been working. Kate takes it upon herself to ask Jack to examine Sawyer. But Jack is understandably hesitant, knowing full well from previous encounters with Sawyer that his help will go unappreciated.


Out in the jungle, Boone finds Locke at the hatch and tells him that he's fed up with working everyday without results -- he doesn't think they can open the hatch. But Locke insists that they were meant to find it and open it. "The island will send us a sign…" And just as Boone is about to write Locke off as a complete nutcase, a plane buzzes overhead. When Locke looks down, he finds Boone covered in blood, chanting the phrase, "Teresa falls up the stairs, Teresa falls down the stairs…" Confused, Locke turns back to see the woman who claimed to be his mother -- here on the island! -- pointing off in the direction of the plane. Then Locke looks down to find himself paralyzed, back in his wheelchair. He calls out, terrified, begging the island not to take back his ability to walk. And just when we think things can't get any weirder, Locke bolts awake in a cold sweat -- it was just a nightmare. He jumps up from the campfire and goes to wake Boone.


We FLASHBACK again to Locke, who meets with a private investigator in order to find out about the woman claiming to be his mother. The PI confirms that she is indeed who she says she is -- Emily Annabelle Locke. The DNA was a positive match. He also tells Locke that she was institutionalized several times for schizophrenia. Locke presses the PI about his father, but the PI is hesitant to give out any information. "Your mother sought you out, so she's fair game. This guy may not even know you exist." But Locke wants to know and the PI reluctantly slides his father's dossier across the table.


Locke pulls up to a gated estate and asks the guard to see a Mr. Cooper -- he's his son. The guard responds that Mr. Cooper doesn't have a son. Locke explains that he doesn't want anything and persuades the guard to call up to the house. Locke eyes the security camera as the guard hangs up, opens the gate and waves him through. Inside his father's den, Locke studies photographs, searching for some sort of resemblance. His father comes into the room and breaks the ice by offering him a scotch, which Locke happily accepts. Cooper tells Locke that, in fact, he didn't know he existed -- that Emily told him she wasn't going to have the baby, but showed up later asking for money and claiming she put the baby up for adoption. Cooper also reveals that he ended up without any family. It's clear that he's trying to make a connection and asks Locke to go hunting with him the following weekend.


Back at the hatch, Locke relays his dream to Boone -- he thinks that the plane is the sign they have been hoping for. But it was just a dream and now Boone really thinks Locke has lost his mind -- perhaps even drinking that crazy paste that made him see his sister (back in episode #111). Locke counters with a question of his own that shocks Boone -- "Who is Teresa?" Boone clearly recognizes the name -- it was his babysitter, who Boone used to torture by calling her up and down the stairs on the intercom. He explains that one day, Teresa took a bad step and fell. Is this something he mentioned to Locke one day while working on the hatch or does Locke's dream hold some sort of truth?


Meanwhile, Jack goes to check on the progress of the raft when he notices Sawyer, sitting off against a tree with a wet cloth over his head. He approaches and asks about the headaches. But Sawyer isn't happy that Kate told Jack and responds in his usual wise guy manner. Jack starts to leave, but Sawyer speaks up, genuinely concerned that he might have a brain tumor -- a condition that killed his uncle. Jack tells Sawyer to come by the caves so he can run a couple of tests. Terrified to know the truth, Sawyer would rather remain in the dark and claims, "his insurance ran out."


Locke and Boone move through jungle, but Locke's legs fail him and he trips. Boone wonders what's wrong, but Locke claims he's fine. He looks up to spot a rosary, dangling from a branch, when suddenly, a decomposed body falls from the tree above them. They look over the body and conclude that he was a priest. But closer examination reveals a gun -- and priests don't usually carry guns.


We FLASHBACK as Locke shows up to the estate again, following up on his father's invitation to go hunting. But he's early and when he enters the house, he finds his father being tended to by a nurse. His father explains that his kidney is failing and that while he's on a donor list, his age has put him at the very bottom. He didn't tell Locke because he didn't want to spoil their time together. And from Locke, watching his father being hooked up to a dialysis machine, we go --


-- back to the beach, where even the slightest noise is causing Sawyer's head to throb. Kate approaches and insists that he go see Jack, who asks him a series a questions that go from serious to ridiculous -- all in front of Kate. Sawyer realizes that Jack is toying with him, gets up and leaves. Kate asks Jack if it was really necessary to have fun at Sawyer's expense. Jack laughs and tells Kate that Sawyer is fine -- he just needs glasses.


Out in the jungle, Locke and Boone press on, figuring that the body may have been the pilot or a passenger and that the plane must be close by. But Locke is having trouble walking again. He blames the shrapnel wound, but Boone points out that that was his right leg -- he's limping off his left leg now. Boone suggests they head back to see Jack, but Locke insists they push on until he collapses. Boone tries to persuade him to turn around again, but Locke refuses. He tells Boone that he used to be in a wheelchair, but the island made him whole and that while it might sound crazy, this is something they were meant to find. He holds out his hand and says, "Help me up, son" as we --


-- FLASHBACK to another father and son, moving through a field on a different sort of hunt. Locke raises his rifle and brings down his first dove. His father congratulates him and tells him that though his mother may have been crazy, she brought the two of them together -- while he still has time -- and for that, he's grateful.


Back on the island, Locke struggles along with his arm thrown over Boone's shoulder. They stop to rest when Locke looks up past Boone, who follows his gaze toward -- a yellow Beechcraft, propped up in a tree canopy. Knowing his legs won't let him climb, Locke tells Boone he's going to have to go up and find out what's inside.


And we FLASHBACK to a hospital room to find Locke in a surgical bed next to his father, ready to donate his own kidney -- something he feels was meant to be. His father says he'll see him on the other side and we go --


-- back to the beach, where Jack brings Sawyer a box of glasses and explains that he has hyperopia, probably as a result of all of the reading he's been doing since they crashed on the island. He tries several glasses on Sawyer in an attempt to find a pair that matches his condition. Sayid takes the two pairs that work the best, melts down the plastic frames and fuses two separate pieces together into one. They're not very flattering, but they do the job. Jack tells Sawyer it's not a fashion show and leaves him checking out his new look in a mirror.


Out in the jungle, Boone climbs the massive tree up to the Beechcraft as Locke looks on helplessly. Once inside, Boone finds a map and comes across another body. He jumps and causes the plane to lurch. Outside, Locke calls to Boone, seeing that the plane is clearly unstable. But Boone is too curious to leave and comes across several Virgin Mary statues. He throws one down to Locke, which lands at his feet and cracks open, revealing heroin inside. Angry, Boone calls down to Locke that this wasn't a sign after all -- the plane was obviously a drug smuggling plane. Boone spots a radio on the dash. He runs to turn it on and actually hears some static. He makes frantic mayday calls and hears a muffled voice, but the chance of making contact is cut off when the plane lurches again. Locke calls to Boone and tells him to get out, but it's too late and the plane begins to slide through the canopy to the ground in a horrible, bone crushing crash. Locke scrambles toward the plane, legs starting to come back to him. He finds Boone wounded inside, pulls him out, slings his body over his own shoulder and powers back to camp.


At the caves, Kate thanks Jack for helping Sawyer when Locke comes barreling in with Boone. He tells Jack that it was an accident -- that Boone fell off a cliff while hunting. Jack does a quick exam to see that Boone's wounds are life threatening and sends Kate for towels and water. Jack turns his back for some supplies, all the while trying to get details out of Locke. But when he turns back around, Locke is gone.


We FLASHBACK as Locke wakes up in the hospital recovery room, the bed next to him empty. A nurse tells him that his father checked out, which doesn't make much sense to Locke, who's still dazed and confused from the anesthesia. His mother appears in the doorway and is immediately apologetic. She tells him that she needed money and went to Cooper, who told her to find Locke. And as his mother continues her explanation, it begins to sink in that this was all a plan to trick Locke into donating his kidney to a father he never knew. In denial, Locke struggles from the bed and begins ripping tubes from his arms. He drives to the estate, but the once friendly guard is now completely cold and turns Locke away. Locke pulls himself out of the car and limps over to the gate. He stares into the security camera, completely shell-shocked. The guard tells him again that he has to go, so Locke gets into the car and drives away. But he only makes it a few blocks before he pulls over and breaks down in tears.


On the island, Locke kneels over the hatch, crying out in pain and betrayal: "I've done everything you've asked me to do! Why?" And as he bangs on the hatch in frustration, a light suddenly comes on, leaving Locke and the audience wondering who or what's inside….


"Do No Harm"
Air Date: 04/06/2005


We pick up right where we left off, as Jack works to save Boone, who was crushed in the Beechcraft he and Locke found out in the jungle. Jack enlists help from Sun and sends Kate for Sawyer's alcohol stash, when Boone's lung collapses. Jack acts fast, pours some alcohol on Boone's chest and uses a knitting needle to puncture the lung and temporarily remedy the situation.


Off Jack, we FLASHBACK to a tuxedo shop, where Jack ties a bowtie on his friend Silverman (his childhood buddy way back in episode #103). When the tuxedo manager comes out with a jacket for the groom, Silverman points to Jack and we realize that Jack is about to get married.


Back at the caves, Jack examines Boone's legs to see they're fractured and that he's lost a lot of blood. Boone begins to come around; convinced he's going to die. But Jack tells him he's not going to die. Why? Because Jack is going to save him.


At the beach, Claire finds Sawyer, Michael and Jin at the raft and asks when it's going to be ready, clearly anxious to get off the island. Kate rushes into the scene and tells Sawyer that they need his alcohol for Boone. She explains that Boone was injured while out hunting for boar. But Sawyer points out that they haven't been getting any boar lately, casting some doubt on Locke's story.


Meanwhile, Jack works to sew up Boone's chest and concludes that he needs a blood transfusion. And as Jack steps out for some air, debating what to do, Charlie approaches, peppering him with questions and causing Jack to snap, as we...


...FLASHBACK to Jack, on his cell phone, trying to reach his Dad. Silverman interrupts and tells him to come back inside to his rehearsal dinner for the toasts. And this is where we meet Sara, the bride to be, who gives a toast so flattering, it makes Jack uncomfortable. We learn that Sara met Jack because she was in a car accident -- an accident so bad she was deemed irreparable. But Jack promised he would fix her and he did just that -- because when Jack says he's going to do something, he does it. And Sara raises her glass to the most committed man she's ever known -- Jack Shepherd, her hero.


Back on the island, Kate rushes back to camp, trips and breaks some of the alcohol bottles. She stops to pick them up when she hears something in the woods. She follows the sound to find Claire, all by her self and clearly in labor. Kate calls for help and insists they get to Jack, but it's painfully obvious that Claire can't make it.


Meanwhile, Sun rouses Boone to tell her his blood type -- A negative. Jack is frustrated that he doesn't even have a needle sharp enough to do the transfusion. While he tries to figure something out, he sends Sun to find Shannon and Charlie to find someone with the same blood type. Shannon, however, is nowhere to be found because she is out in the jungle with Sayid, who has set up a romantic picnic for the two of them.


On the beach, Jin hears Kate's calls for help and rushes to find them. And no language barrier in the world could hide the fact that Claire is about to give birth. Kate sends Jin to the caves with the alcohol and tells him to return with Jack, while she stays with Claire.


At the caves, Charlie returns with bad news -- he found a type A, but isn't sure if it's positive or negative. He hasn't had much luck in general -- nobody knows their blood type. Sun returns with better results -- she didn't find Shannon, but she did find a sea urchin, the needle of which is hollow and sharp enough for Jack to use in the transfusion. Jack announces he'll do it on himself: he's O-negative and that's universal. Jack assures Charlie and Sun that while it's dangerous, Boone is not going to die.


FLASHBACK -- to the hotel bar, the night before Jack's wedding. Sara joins him at the piano as he toys with the keys. She offers him an out by saying, "You don't have to do this…" And we soon realize that they are talking about their vows -- vows which Sara has already written, while Jack is having difficulty finding the words. Sara is loving and reassuring and tells Jack that with or without vows, she can't wait to marry him. She tells him she'll be upstairs while Jack continues to wait for his father.


Back on the island, Jin arrives at med tent to find Jack mid-transfusion. He immediately locks eyes with Sun. Despite the fact that they aren't speaking, he knows he's going to have to rely on her to translate. He tells Sun, who tells Jack and Charlie, about Claire's predicament. But Jack can't leave -- he's got a literal lifeline to Boone. More importantly, he won't leave -- he made a commitment to save Boone. And with these two emergencies converging, Jack snaps into leader mode and instructs Charlie to wait until the contractions are sixty seconds apart before instructing Claire push. Kate is going to have to deliver the baby on her own.


Back with Claire and Kate, the contractions have stopped and Claire assumes it was false labor. But the relief is temporary, because her water suddenly breaks. Claire panics -- she can't have the baby now! Not here!


In the med tent, Boone comes to momentarily and tells Jack all about the plane. But Boone is groggy and Jack thinks he might be referring to Oceanic Flight 815. One thing is clear -- Boone tells Jack that plane fell on him. He's also clear when he mentions the hatch and the fact that Locke told him not to tell anyone about it. And now Jack is completely confused. Before he can get any clarity, Boone drifts back out of consciousness, mumbling Shannon's name.


And we find Shannon, at the beach with Sayid. It's romantic and they share a kiss. But before it goes any further, she confesses that Boone is her step brother -- and that he's in love with her. She assures Sayid the feelings aren't reciprocal -- she just wanted him to know. She wants to take it slow, because if things don't work out it would be pretty complicated being stuck on an island together. "It could be bad." Sayid tells her it could also be wonderful.


Back in the jungle, Claire's contractions are getting more intense. Charlie returns and tells Kate that she is going to have to deliver the baby solo. Meanwhile, Jin tries to comfort Claire, who is afraid that while she was out in the jungle alone, her captors did something to her baby.


At the caves, Jack is further frustrated when he realizes the transfusion isn't working because Boone's injuries aren't from a fall -- something crushed his legs. Angry, he tells Hurley to find Michael.


FLASHBACK to Jack, sitting poolside at a hotel at night -- his feet in the water, a drink at his side. He looks over a piece of paper when his father, Christian, joins him. Jack explains that he's looking at Sara's vows -- he took them from her room because he's having so much trouble writing his own. Christian looks them over, impressed, but concerned for his son. He asks Jack if he loves Sara; then if she loves him. Jack responds yes to both questions. But what it really comes down to is fear -- fear of not being a good husband and father. He wants his dad's opinion -- should he marry Sara? Christian points out that commitment has always been Jack's strong point -- but his weak point is that he doesn't know when to let go. And as Jack considers his father's words, we ...


... shoot back to the island, where Jack tells Michael that Boone's leg is dead and filling with blood and that he needs to amputate. He can't use the axe, so he wants Michael to rig a guillotine.


Meanwhile, Jin leads Charlie away from Claire because she's about have the baby. Kate instructs her to push, but quickly realizes that she's doing the exact opposite -- Claire is holding the baby in because she's scared. Kate tells her that she's not alone. Everyone is going to be there for her. And with a newfound confidence, Claire begins to push…


At the caves, Jack faces the horrible task that lies ahead of him, while Sun pleads for him not to do it, feeling that Boone would be better off left to die peacefully. But Jack has shut himself off to the emotion and continues to prep Boone for amputation.


We FLASHBACK to the big wedding day, where Jack stands with Sara as she gives her vows. But when it comes time to deliver his own, he hesitates, scaring his bride for a tense beat when he explains that he's not good at letting go…he's stubborn…afraid to fail. And just when we think that Jack might actually take his fathers advice and back out of this marriage, Jack turns and tells Sara that after her accident, he didn't fix her, she fixed him. "We can do this. I love you and always will." And as the happy couple kiss we go ...


... back to Boone, the blade about to drop. He calls Jack's name, stopping him in the process and asking Jack to let him go -- he knows he's all messed up inside. Jack's conflicted and doesn't want to give up. But Boone begs until Jack final relents and moves him out of the guillotine.


Meanwhile, Claire delivers a final push and gives birth to a healthy baby boy. Charlie and Jin celebrate. And as a new life enters the island, another one leaves -- Boone takes his last breath with Jack watching over him….


Back on the beach, the survivors celebrate the birth. But the celebration is cut short for Jack, who has to face Shannon when she returns with Sayid, oblivious to the fact that her brother is dead. While Shannon mourns over Boone's body, Kate goes to Jack to see if he's okay. Jack is oddly cold, packing his backpack as she speaks. "Boone died, Jack." Jack retorts, "Boone didn't die, he was murdered." And with that statement, Jack heads out. Kate asks where he's going and Jack responds, "To find John Locke…"



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Да, это все я уже видела. Мне вот оставшиеся 2 эпизода...
Надь, а где ты скачиваешь, если не секрет? Без вирусов? Быстро? Платно? Если что - на личку. Спасибки. :l004:

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Так последние ещё не вышли :unsure: Вот ждём.

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Конечно читать не то :P Там всё видеть надо B) Но мне почему-то кажется что за ними таки прилетит кто-то, ведь сигнал вроде6 получили :???:

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Конечно читать не то :P Там всё видеть надо B) Но мне почему-то кажется что за ними таки прилетит кто-то, ведь сигнал вроде6 получили :???:

Да, но с другой стороны, они вроде уже 2 сезон собираются делать, тоже вроде на острове, с теми же персонажами... Может, они в конце ТАКОЕ об острове узнают, что решат остаться?
Говорят, будут их показывать всех ДО посадки (вернутся все умершие), и это объяснит, почему они разбились.

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Конечно читать не то :P  Там всё видеть надо B)  Но мне почему-то кажется что за ними таки прилетит кто-то, ведь сигнал вроде6 получили :???:

Да, но с другой стороны, они вроде уже 2 сезон собираются делать, тоже вроде на острове, с теми же персонажами... Может, они в конце ТАКОЕ об острове узнают, что решат остаться?
Говорят, будут их показывать всех ДО посадки (вернутся все умершие), и это объяснит, почему они разбились.

:eek: ого, ну там ещё история с этими номерами :wacko: Фильм полон мистики всякой. Думаю будет интересно ;) Это же тот же создатель что и Алиас.

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Думаю будет интересно ;) Это же тот же создатель что и Алиас.

Ага, только мне как раз Алиас очень не нравится, а на этот сериал я как подсела...
А Алиас какой-то ну очень дурацкий, почти всегда они из ситуации выворачиваются на одном везении. И все в восторге от актерского мастерства Дженнифер Гарнер и ее "перевоплощений" и париков, а мне кажется, что играет она ужасно - во-первых, все парики за километр видно, что парики (все-таки она же агент, а не трансвестит, наверное, ей бы что понатуральнее не помешало), а во вторых, все ее "перевоплощения" - однобоки и вульгарны. ИМХО. Не нравится мне, короче. И главное, мне кажется - такой контраст с Lost - тут все наоборот, хоть и полно мистики, но все-таки по мере возможностей реалистично, и актеры хорошие.

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Так я ведь насчёт мистики ;) Я вот Электру тоже посмотрела, совсем не понравилось мне :???: Всётаки Лост более жизненный чтоли :devaha:


А насчёт париков и образов ты права, за километр видно, и как-то всё просто даётся. Но мне всёже интересно что там в конце концов будет :wacko:

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